Amina Khan named Fitness Professional of the Year 2018 #Canfitpro

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World Fitness Expo: Canada's largest Professional Fitness Organization, Canfitpro, honoured Amina Khan from Toronto with the Title of Fitness Professional of the Year - Fitness Instructor Specialist 2018. Scroll down for exclusive event photos & video coverage! 

Watch Amina Khan's Acceptance Speech

The Awards Ceremonies:

The Fitness Professional of the Year Award recognizes a canfitpro certified and practicing professional member who hase demonstrated exceptional leadership, motivation, and technical skills and have inspired clients to achieve their goals. The award is split into two categories: Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor Specialist of the Year.  

Fitness Instructor Specialist of the Year 2018: Amina Khan (Toronto, Ontario)

Personal Trainer of the Year 2018: Doris Ward (Cornwall, PEI)

The awards were presented at the Closing Ceremony of the World Fitness Expo 2018 in Toronto.

Amina Khan's Acceptance Speech

Key points:

  • Amina's personal passion for health and fitness came from her own 60-pound weight loss journey 8 years ago
  • Amina started Amanah Fitness to share her message that fitness is for everyone of all cultural backgrounds, regardless of how you dress or look! Amanah Fitness provides women a modest solution to get fit at home with no excuses!
  • In a global climate of division due to race, religion and as Amina personally experienced, misunderstandings over her headscarf as a Muslim woman, Amina believes that fitness can unite and bring us all together!
  • Amina hopes she can serve as a role model to encourage diversity and inclusion within the fitness industry.

Event Photography

Watch: Amina's Canfitpro Nominee Highlight Reel

Amina Khan's Story

Amina is pursuing her Ph.D. degree in Health Psychology. She is a Certified Fitness Instructor Specialist and Founder of Amanah Fitness. Amanah Fitness is dedicated to improving health in diverse cultural communities through simple and effective at-home modest exercise programs and nutrition courses. Amina's mission began with a desire to improve health in the Muslim community after her own 60-pound weight loss journey.  

Amina's popular 30-Day Bootcamp Weight Loss Fitness Program has inspired hundreds of women around the world to begin exercising at home. Amanah Fitness is pioneering research-based health education in Ramadan with the creation of, a comprehensive source for free nutrition, fitness and medical fasting health information. Amanah Fitness provides culturally-sensitive no-excuse solutions to fitness to help everyone start a healthy active lifestyle. Because fitness is for everyone!